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Case study Ethiopia (1975-1990)

Ethiopia has been chosen for a case study as a country where both German states have been active. Whereas due to its political orientation in this period, its main cooperation was with the GDR, the relations with the FRG, e.g. with the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, never ceased. The West German personnel may serve as a unit for an (asymmetrical) comparison. Ethiopia was a quite assertive and difficult to handle partner for the GDR which became apparent in determined Ethiopian demands and tough negotiations.
A further motivation for the selection of Ethiopia was a rather good situation of sources and of secondary literature. A basis from which further research can start has been laid by the study of a contemporary actor in Ethiopia-GDR – relations.  The GDR-archives contain abundant material on the personal side of the cooperation. In an approach concentrating on interaction and on the agency of the Ethiopian counterparts, it is essential to mobilize sources on the African side in order to comprehend Ethiopian perspectives. The situation concerning archives is less easy, however, in Ethiopia. A first tour of archive research in several ministries and in the National Archives in February/March 2014 yielded mixed results. Archive material used by Professor Haile Gabriel could not be retrieved whereas new material especially on the interaction of German and Ethiopian development workers and the exchange of students could be researched.
Research concerning the Ethiopian case is facilitated by a cooperation with the Addis Ababa University Department of History.

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte

Universität Wien

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